I always have trouble getting the linen squared for these little pieces. I iron it, think I have it straight, apply the interfacing, cut it to size...and then see it's not straight. Ugh.
But my nitpickiness aside, I like the piece. It was a quick, easy stitch.
I signed up for the Halloween exchange on the SBEBB, even though the mail-out date is five days after my due date! Becky said I could send the package to her, and she could mail it out for me--very sweet of her. So now I'm looking at Halloween charts. The hard part is going to be narrowing it down! Any suggestions?
Very pretty finish! congrats.
I think a bit of crookedness adds to the charm. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! LOL! (I can also never seem to get these 100% straight, despite painful efforts.)
How brave to sign up for an exchange nearly the same time as your due date! Me, I'm trying to clear everything off my plate in plenty of time. Just in case ... LOL!
A lovely finish! Looks fabulous in it's frame.
What a cute piece! I love it in that frame too. I have trouble getting mine to square up too. I finally made myself a template for the Whimzis because the chipboard they say to cut your piece to size to match is too small, so my piece ends up floating around in the frame. Love your Daffodil Run!
Congratulations Michelle! Your Daffodil Run is beautiful!!
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