That does it for me for Teresa Wentzler October on the Wagon BB. I need to work on my Christmas piece for the birthday club exchange next.
I'm sad to leave Castle Sampler. Working on something fairly easy (big blocks of color) has been great to pick up here and there. I only goofed on the letters because I was trying to watch a movie and the baby with DH all at the same time.
Baby: We figured out Logan's problem during feeding was indeed gas. He's eating so fast and so much that our old 3-4 burps per feeding just weren't cutting it. We have to burp a lot more often, even though he gets mad at the pauses because he's so hungry.
Diet: I want to get started on losing weight, even though I won't be cleared for exercise for another two weeks. I have a lot, lot of weight to lose, but I'm going to start small. My goal is to lose 15 pounds. There's an expensive bellpull I want, so that will be my reward when I reach this goal. I'll set other rewards later.
Congrats on your TW progress, your Castle Sampler border looks great!
Glad to hear you're having better luck with Logan's feedings too.
Definitely give yourself small goals on the weight loss. I've got a bunch to lose too and it makes it so much easier to look at it in 10-15 pound increments than the whole amount. Good luck!
You've made great progress considering everything else going on! Glad to hear that things are going better with Logan. Hopefully it will make it easier to enjoy your time with him.
The castle sampler is looking stunning. I'm so envious of the fact that you have time to stitch with a newborn in the house. It took me 5 years from the birth of my first to get back into stitching. I'm glad you're making time for it; you'll have to share your secrets ;)
Isn't it hard when you have to pull your baby away from feedings? I always felt so bad.
Good luck with your weight loss; I'll be cheering you on. I'm still trying to lose 40 pounds from when I got pregnant with my first. Oddly enough I ended up weighing about the same before and after my pg with my second.
Oooh, it looks stunning!!
Hey, it's great to hear that you sorted out Logan's problem. :D And your goal system for weight loss sounds brilliant - I may 'borrow' it in a couple of months. ;)
Great progress on your sampler.
Great work on your sampler!
My son was a chugger too. Finally when he was 7 months old we started giving him formula through a sippy cup that had a leak guard on it rather than a bottle.
Good luck with your weight loss goal!
It's beautiful! And you sure got a lot done this month!
Wow your TW is looking awesome! They're a lot of work but sure worth it in the end!
CS is looking gorgeous! Good for you setting a goal for weight loss. That bell pull sounds like a great incentive! I am working towards a purse I want.
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