I worked on TW's Castle Sampler here and there (see below). I filled in some of the blends in the border, nothing too exciting. I'll take it to the hospital with me, and if I feel like it, I can stitch some easy, non-blend border. Optimistic, I know.
I'm going to stop by the LNS on the way to the hospital tonight and bring some things to get framed. I have an L&L angel for my mom, the birth sampler for the friend, and three petit point cats for myself that I want to get framed. They're having a sale on framing tomorrow, but I should be able to sneak in today.
Baby update: The doctor checked me this morning, and there's been no change. I go in to the hospital this evening, and they'll apply a gel to my cervix to thin it. Then tomorrow we try induced labor yet again. I don't know how my poor arm will take the IV again, not to mention no food for a long time while they give me glucose or insulin intraveneously. Bleh. I think giving birth normally is bad enough. I can't even have water!
I am glad you like it. I loved making it for you. I also loved the little bunnies, etc. I will think of you and hope labor will go fast.
What a beautiful quilt! I am sure it is lovely in your baby's room. Good luck with the induction. Will be thinking of you!
The quilt is beautiful! I hope things work out this time and you will have your bundle of joy soon:)
I have four kids so i know what you are going through. I wish you luck......
I'm starting the Castle Sampler next month i think *smiles*
The baby quilt is gorgeous! What a sweet surprise. Hope everything goes well with the delivery :-).
I hope things go smoothly at the hospital!
OMG, how exciting! I wish you all the best having your baby :) Being pregnant is so hard on the body, I understand. The quilt Judith made you is gorgeous, and so sweet. Your WIP of the Castle Sampler looks good too. Best of luck again!
That quilt is lovely! My mother made Patrick two _ a cot quilt and a smaller one that we use as a floor rug.
Good luck with the induction. :)
The quilt is beautiful - what a sweet gift. Your Castle Sampler is coming along well. Good luck with the labor and delivery!
Michelle's blog is quiet...is there a baby visiting now?? {{{hugs}}}
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