I also learned that the hive-like structure they used to keep bees in is called a skep.
Stitching, gaming, fantasy, science fiction...all the good stuff.
my stitching website and
my wishlist.
This is the top of the decorative border for one block of the Chatelaine Rose Quilt. There are 16 blocks, and we get one or two blocks a month. So far I have the first two to stitch. I'm still gathering my materials, which are going to be pretty pricey. I'll add the beads at the end since I don't want them to get in the way of my Qsnaps. This piece is huge--I have lots of fabric to manage as I stitch.
I've taken a short break from My Stitching Treasures. I started an over-one peacock in the wrong place, and now I have to rip it out. Ugh. All I have left is the top block and the satin-stitched border.
I need to get working on my Just Nan RR and another exchange piece. So much to do!
Diet: I've been doing well on my diet. I think I've lost 8 pounds so far, which is water weight. Being this heavy, it's easy for me to lose 10 pounds in the first week. The following weeks will be harder.
Reading: When I start reading, I go nuts. I finished Mercedes Lackey's Sanctuary and loved it. Then I devoured L.E. Modesitt's Wellspring of Chaos, and I'm now reading Ordermaster. I may have to see if they have any more out in paperback.