I finished two more of the figures. Matt being home all this past week really helped.
I worked on my website a little. I took the thumbnails off the main page and made sub-indices by designer. I'm sure it was getting hard to load for people on dial-up.
Wow Michelle, I just checked out your website - I'd never noticed the link before - and I can't believe how fast you get these TW's stitched up! Your work is beautiful! I've bookmarked it to go and have a proper look round later :o)
Wow! I can't believe the progress you've made in the week and a half I took off from blog reading! You may have this done in 2007!
I saw in your previous post you've been watching Stargate Atlantis. I was also a big fan of SG1 and sad to see it go away, but Atlatnis is almost as good. I'm glad Amanda Tapping moved over to the Atlantis show and didn't just disappear.
Wow Michelle, I just checked out your website - I'd never noticed the link before - and I can't believe how fast you get these TW's stitched up! Your work is beautiful! I've bookmarked it to go and have a proper look round later :o)
WOW! I guess you made a lot of progress!!!! :D
It's looking great - such a lot of stitching :) Off to check out the new look of the website :)
Wow! I can't believe the progress you've made in the week and a half I took off from blog reading! You may have this done in 2007!
I saw in your previous post you've been watching Stargate Atlantis. I was also a big fan of SG1 and sad to see it go away, but Atlatnis is almost as good. I'm glad Amanda Tapping moved over to the Atlantis show and didn't just disappear.
Wow, wonderful progress!
CS is really moving along! Looks fantastic!
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