Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ultrasound of the baby at 9 weeks

I had my doctor visit today. I just finished my ninth week. Here's a pic from the DVD the doctor gave me. The head is to the right. I could see and hear a heartbeat. I also saw the baby move. I'm guessing we're looking at the backside of the baby in this pic. You can see little arms sticking out. It was the neatest thing!

Matt gets to see the video tonight. He didn't come with me because we're trying to save up our leave time.

My blood pressure was a little high again, so the doctor asked me to monitor my blood pressure and call if it gets past a certain point. I'm heavy, but I've never had high blood pressure before. I also told the doctor that my heartbeat feels fast, and he said that's normal in pregnancy.

I lost 2 pounds since my last visit (my weight can vary by as much as 5 pounds from day to day). I've been eating normally but trying not to eat too much. I don't really want to gain weight in the first trimester, which is acceptable. I'll have a hard enough time later trying to keep my weight down. A heavy person really doesn't need to gain that much weight during pregnancy. I'm shooting for no more than 25 pounds.

My gut is poking out more, though I still don't look pregnant. My clothes are getting tight. Good thing I ordered a few materity pieces. If I had trouble finding clothes before as a tall fat woman, I'm REALLY having a tough time as a tall fat pregnant woman!

The nausea has been getting less frequent, but I still have bouts of it. I'm looking forward to that going away! One more month, I hope.

Still no stitching. My mojo will come back someday....


mainely stitching said...

Thanks for sharing a picture of the baby. :)

Carol said...

That is totally cool! Thanks for putting up the ultrasound! Your baby looks wonderful!

jymisgurl said...

Awwww! Thanks for the pic!

Deanne J said...

The baby looks great, glad your starting to feel better

Anonymous said...

Oh how exciting! What a cute little jellybean!

Karin said...

Wow - how exciting! Congrats on your little one.

Michelle said...

Congrats on having your first pic of the baby! Glad the nausea has slacked off a little!

Anonymous said...

Makes you all broody just looking at the picture. I must admit that I have found it hard to lose the weight that I put on while expecting my Daughter. That was eating too many cream cakes! I am not as active as I was when I had my son. I used to deliver papers. I was 20 when I had my son.
You will soon feel the baby moving around.

Jenny said...

:) There's your little peanut! Hope your pregnancy is going well.

Michelle said...

Hoping everything is ok with you. Just checking in. : )