Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm still around

My mom was wondering where I was. The pregnancy seems to be giving me ADD. Nothing holds my attention for very long, and I'm restless. I've had a few days without nausea, and it's been really nice. I even did some housework yesterday and today.

I think I'm going to have to ditch my goals and such for stitching since it's just not grabbing my attention right now. It's such a shock because normally I love to stitch and can do it all day. I hope this is temporary!

I have been working on The Awakening, though I don't even have the first row done yet. I missed the Barnabee's Quest SAL too. The baby's already sucking out my brain!

I'm going into my third month now. I see the doctor Wednesday and can't wait to see the first pics!


mainely stitching said...

Everything will start to go better when you hit your fourth month - I have three kids and sympathize with your pregnancy-related ADD! LOL

Sharon said...

Hey, i think that's all normal-so much going on in your body-who wouldn't be distracted. You will be stitching again before you know it.

Karin said...

I hope things continue to improve and you can get back to your stitching asap!

Kim said...

I see you are beginning to suffer what I lovingly call "pregnancy pea brain". With me it got worse before it got better. Start writing everything down that you need to remember(just a suggestion; as I cannot tell you how many things I forgot about or did more than once thanks to pea brain) :)

Have fun seeing your little one; it's amazing!

Hope you are feeling better.

Michelle said...

Glad to know all is well. Hope you are able to get back to your stitching soon. Congrats on getting to see the baby!

Deanne J said...

I don't think the pregnancy brain goes away. I'm starting my 5th month and I but the butter in the freezer yesterday, lol

Anonymous said...

Yes the brain goes to mush while you're pregnant. Mine has never recovered!