We're in the process of decluttering, packing some items, and staging the house so that we can sell the house in May. Here's a design question I have for you guys. Should I get rid of the plant stand (used to be a wine cart) or not? It's pretty rickety, and I wouldn't feel too bad about getting rid of it. What else does this part of the kitchen need? A table cloth? Pictures on the wall (and where exactly)? I can add a third chair if I get rid of the plant stand.
Yes, get rid of the plant stand and use the extra chair. I might be tempted to add a fourth chair against the window to show potential buyers they can have 4 people to sit down to eat if they pull the table out.
A small table cloth in the middle of the table will make it look bigger, you could put fresh flowers on it just before each viewing.
My personal feeling is to add more colour but lots of people prefer neutral tones. I would also add stitched pictures to the walls, but if you're selling you won't want to make more holes!!
Hope this helps!
I'd suggest getting rid of the wine cart, add a third chair and skip the wall decorations.
I would take out the cart and add a chair, just because you want people to see the space as expansive and useful. I don't know that I'd add pictures to the walls, but a tablecloth and then maybe some ribbon twisted and tacked to the wall around the window in some bright spring colors (pink, yellow, bright green) to add some flash to the space without adding much clutter.
I think your instincts to remove the plant stand and add another chair are right. If you center your lovely table in front of the window and add another chair, it will look more cozy.
However, I don't think I'd go with a tablecloth, as the legs on your table are very interesting; I'd suggest a few colourful placemats instead, and maybe a small vase of flowers or a nice basket in the middle of the table. Even a pretty pottery bowl with rocks or seashells would be great. And if you have an extra rug from another area of the house that would fit the space (or are willing to buy one), you could put it under the table and chairs to add a bit more colour. And this would also help group the table and chairs together, defining the dining space more visually.
For pictures, I'd keep the interest on your window, and maybe put up two medium size coordinating prints, one on either side. Small frames would make the room look smaller. You can get those panel-type canvasses now that might look nice. They say on the design shows that square and horizontal artwork makes the room look wider, while vertical artwork makes the room look higher. I think emphasising the width will make your cute little table look too small, so I'd go with the height - like you've started to with the panels on the sliding doors.
If you pick up similiar colours in all three things (pictures, placemats, rug) I think it would brighten up the space and make it warmer :) Colour also directs the eye, so by putting a little on the wall, the table and the floor, you'll essentially be directing the viewer to take in all the elements in your space. You don't have to use really bright tones - something that picks up the natural feel of your blinds would be great.
Can you tell I like watching and reading about interior design?! Selling a house is never easy, and I wish you the very best of luck with your staging. Sorry this is so long, but I hope it might help somewhat. There's a lot of self-staging advice on the Internet, but I think you've got everything just right - clean, decluttered, neutral and open. I think what you're sensing that you're missing is a little bit of colour, and once you add that - in whatever way you choose to - you'll be happier with it and it will have that extra little appeal that you're going for :)
Loose the plant stand. Center the table under the window with the chairs facing each other and a bright table cloth set on an angle so that the white corners of the table show, matching seat cushions would be nice too.
See the table with a smallish centerpiece, flowers, salt/pepper napkin holder, just something small and homey.
I'd get rid of the plant stand and add the third chair. Agree with Missy about perhaps setting the table (at least with a little centerpiece, if nothing else).
Missy has it. Add some color and cheer to break up the white/beige and make it look more like home. Just from the photo it screams "apartment" to me and I know that is not the case. Most stagers use place settings and centerpieces to add interest.
I agree - loose the plant stand, add a chair and brighten the table with a cloth (like to diagonal idea) or a bunch of flowers. I wouldn't bother with pictures.
Lose the plant stand, add the chair. I'd go with some bright placemats to break up the white too as well as some fresh flowers for the table before viewings. I think I'd skip the wall hangings as well so you don't have to add new holes. Good luck with the selling!
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