Asa is the one who first posted about this pattern on a bulletin board and got me hooked on HAEDs. I owe her!
So now my girl is due for a long bath in Orvus. I'm hoping the black marks will come out. If not, I will have to rip out those stitches, one by one, figure out the color, and restitch. I'm really hoping that won't be necessary. Then I want to get her professionally framed, though I haven't figured out mats or anything, and I'll be a little nervous about parting with her.
I have Eternal Promise as a WIP, and I may start Pearl Princess. For the near future, however, I'm going to work on the HAED RR and Teresa Wentzler's Angel Procession.
Congrats on finishing The Awakening! It looks amazing! What an enormous amount of work. It's beautiful!
CONGRATULATIONS! WOOOOOOOWWW! She is so beautiful and that is a lot of work. I really hope the black mark comes out and you don't have to restitch that area.
Wow, I can't get over how lovely she is. You must be so proud. Well done!
That is amazing!! Huge congratulations!!! I can't wait to see her framed. I do hope your black marks come out. She is just gorgeous!
WOW congratulations!!! It's gorgeous!
She's absolutely stunning!! Congratulations!!
She's incredible!! Finished HAED's and TW's are both rare but incredible when they are sighted. She's lovely. Congrats on getting her finished before the baby as well. Now you can look at her and remember when you had time ... :o)
Congratulations!! I'm beyond thrilled for you; I know how much work goes into these. Hopefully all the black stuff comes out in the wash :) I can't wait to see it all framed.
Amazing finish! She is gorgeous-you should be very proud! Congrats.
Wow, that's alot of x's. She looks great, and I know she'll be absolutely beautiful when she's framed.
MAJOR CONGRATS!!! It's gorgeous! Words can't say how beautiful it is!
Hooray, hooray, hooray! Congratulations... she's beautiful!
HUGE congratulations! Wow - she looks lovely. And SO much work. Well done!!!!
WOWOWOW!!!!! You must be so thrilled! Good luck with the orvus bath, and make sure you ask around about cross stitch framers before parting with her!
Congratulations on finishing your Awakenings. I have been popping into your blog for quite some time and have been watching this project grow and I love it. Just wanted to say hello.
Congrats on this very big HD, it looks great.
Wow, I bet that's the best feeling ever! Congratulations!
Good luck with the black marks!
Congratulations!!! What a huge accomplishment! Now you can have the baby! LOL! :)
Congratulations, it looks absolutely fantastic!
Congrats on the finish! She looks wonderful!
Congratulations, its gorgeous!
She's fabulous, Michelle. Absolutely fabulous. Congratulations on finishing her. Really, 1-1/2 years isn't very long for something so big. I know Asa and the rest of the gang at Threads will love to see her. Please post your FO there!
She is absolutly stunning! I know you said it took you a 1 1/2 yrs to do, but it seems just like yesterday you started her and I saw your updates on the EZboard.
Awesome! It is really incredible that you finished this in a year and a half :)
She looks absolutely amazing. Congratulations on your huge finish.
WOW!!! HUGE congrats on your finishing of Awakening - she looks exquisite! :D
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