I think I'll work on Angel Procession again. I was very encouraged by my progress in the last go-round.
Animals: We've been having a rough time of it. Anubis threw up seven times yesterday. The switch to a wet food helped for a good while, but apparently it's not going to do it. He has a vet appointment tomorrow, and it looks like shots or pills. Next: Matt was scooping the litterbox the other night, and apparently Hathor really had to go. She peed on the rug under the litterbox top while he was scooping. Next: Lufy--yes, the dog--had furballs and barfed in our bedroom. I have tons of stains to use the Spotbot on now. Ugh. And poor Matt had to clean up all that mess.
RAK: I got a RAK by RAK yesterday. Unfortunately, she sent fudge, which just melted away in the Texas heat. I couldn't refrigerate it back to life because all the oils had drained out of it. It was such a sweet thought, though, and I really need it right about now!
It is beautifull and you are going so fast on it. I only have 12.58% already finished from Little red riding hood.
Wow, what great progress!!!
I hope your furry fellas are all feeling much better. I used to have a rabbit that got incredibly sick if the temps went too high ....
You are really moving on this project. It is beautiful. Hope your pets are doing better.
What great progress you're making on this. I've been lurking on your site for quie a while and it seems like such a short time ago and you only had a few pages done.
I love watching the progress!! Can't wait to see more.
Wow I'm constantly amazed by this piece
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