Saturday, April 14, 2007

My rose bush is in bloom!

I snapped this pic this morning. I'm surprised the wind hasn't whipped off all the petals.


Carol said...

Yay! It is a beauty :-)

mainely stitching said...

Does it smell as wonderful as it looks?

Karin said...

It's gorgeous! I love the light pink edges and pale yellow centre.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous rose! I can't wait to see some blooms up here.

Sharon said...

Beautiful rose!

Sara said...

That's gorgeous!! I love roses with coloring like yours. Too bad the puppy is determined to chew on all living things in my yard at the moment. There's always next year for me!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Gorgeous!!! I'm jealous my garden is only just starting to wake up.