The frame was $200 (ouch), but I think it goes well with the piece. I use no glass on my pieces.
Even after framing, the piece is a little lumpy. There were a lot of color changes. I'll have to take a close up later to show you what I mean. I dream of having my stitches sit just perfectly, but that hasn't happened with my TWs.
I also forgot to initial and date the piece. I may try to stitch some in, but I'm not sure it that will work.
I've been stitching on Eternal Promise, but it's full of confetti. I have the first two rows of stitching done, and that's even after sitting for three hours Saturday waiting for Matt's car stereo to be installed.
Wow! Beautiful framing job!
Gulp! My DH nearly fainted when I had one piece done that cost 75 euro! But it looks FABULOUS! Great choice of frame. :)
Oh, her husband is well aware of how much this one cost...She didn't bring her credit cards to the store, so I had to pay for it...
See why I love this guy?
Wow, $200?? And without glass?? Yikes!!! (I had MLI's "Once Upon a Time" framed last summer with almost the same frame - plus mat and glass - for about $115.) But it looks lovely. I know what you mean about the "lumpy" factor, too...I think that is why I usually go with glass. It hides my less-than-perfect stithing better!
Oh, that is so beautiful!! I have had the same problem with TW's and other projects with tons of color changes.
It looks amazing!
Your Mermaid is beautiful - I love the frame you chose for her. I've only recently started signing/dating my I have to keep reminding myself to do it. Eternal Promise is going to be gorgeous - can't wait to see a pic.
Gorgeous framing! Well worth it I would say, but then again I'm a 'frame it how you want it's your legacy' type of girl! I'm about to send Stargazer to Jill Rensel!! :)
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