We have an au pere coming in during the day while I work at home. That will start January 2. I'll go back to work two days before Christmas while Matt's home so I can start ramping up again. It will have been four and a half months off for me--before labor I was in constant pain, and after labor the kid had (has) me running around, so it's been no vacation.
Stats: 12 pounds 15 ounces, 75th percentile; 24.5 inches, 95th percentile; head size 90th percentile. He's a tall boy!
Logan is growing fast. He is a cutie. Your Angel of Summer is beautiful. I am sure your mom will love it. You are really flying thru the Castle Sampler. Wow.
He's a pretty boy!
Awwwwww! He's sooooo cute!
Oh ... he's beautiful! The first shots are hard, but yay for baby painkillers!
What a cutie! Sorry about the shots. I always hated that part too.
He is growing! Glad the shots weren't too bad.
He's an absolutely beautiful baby!! Thanks for posting some pictures of him.
Good luck with the au pair. I hope it works out perfectly for the whole family!
Logan is such a cutie!
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