Sunday, February 24, 2008

Old English Needleroll HD

I finished off my second Sweetheart Tree needleroll today (a little here and a little there, between chores). Yes, I'm still addicted to these things, but unfortunately this is the last one I have kitted up. I hope to get some more charts in the mail soon.

I got this one from Haze when she was getting rid of a few things. I am very grateful, of course! If anyone wants the chart, let me know (gone!). It does have a stain on one corner, but this doesn't affect the legibility.

I also got some ribbon off eBay, and now I have brown and rust ribbon for Bountiful Acorns. I really like the effect. Now I'm collecting 1/8" ribbon too!

Sickos: I'm getting over my sinus infection, just a few sniffles left (it's been two weeks since I got it). Logan took his last antibiotics today, and I'm so glad. It's been giving him red diarrhea (ew), one of the side effects. I'm glad I read the information sheet and knew to expect it; that would have been a shocker! The antibiotics also messed up his sleep patterns. He's sleeping through the night again but getting up at 5--too early for Mommy! Matt is still battling this flu-like thing he's got.

Baby: I've been trying to feed Logan rice cereal now that he's about five months old. I shovel it into his mouth, and he cries. He doesn't really have the skill yet to spit it out, so he does eat it. I'm just going to keep trying a little at a time. I also bought some rice cereal with apples, so we'll see if he likes the taste better. The doctor did say he could dislike the texture, too.


Jan said...

I love your stitching and your blog. I just rediscovered stitching last year after about a 5 year hiatus. I would love to do the neeedleroll if you still want to pass on the pattern. Please email me at if you do. Thanks.

Maree said...

We tried the baby rice too, but Patrick hated it. So we just started with pumpkin, and he ate that up!

Amateur de Livre said...

I see I may be too late to get the needleroll pattern - I have never done one but am hoping to do one soon - between that, a pinkeep and a biscornu - all new things I need/want to try. Keep up the great stitching!

Astrid said...

Lovely needleroll and my children didnt like rice cereal..... But I have tagged you, look at what to do.Astrid

Erica said...

Very pretty needleroll!

My sons weren't crazy about the rice cereal - they both preferred the barley or the oatmeal (although we made the oatmeal with applesauce & cinnamon in it once they were a little older!). Logan will figure it out eventually - they all do! :-)

Deanne J said...

Great needleroll.

Glad your feeling better. The first time we gave antibiotics to Aaron he had the worst dearrhea too, I'm glad it wasn't red I don't think I could handle that.

One thing I don't have to complain about is Aaron's appetite, he's eaten everything we've given him so far.

Abi said...

Ayame *hated* plain rice cereal. She loved it mixed with fruit. She actually prefers her food on the thicker side.

Carol said...

It's gorgeous Michelle!!

Michelle said...

Another beautiful needleroll - love the colors in this one!

Dawn T. said...

It is gorgeous!! You did a great job:)