I finished this sweet little piece this morning. I bought the chart from someone who was cleaning out their stash. I didn't know if I would like the hearts that Sweetheart Tree does, but I do really like this one. I used some DMC variegated instead of the Needle Necessities it calls for, and the colors work great. I also found some substitute beads in my stash. I'll probably turn this into a pinkeep later, but I'll hold onto it for a bit and see if I can use it for the Monthly Finishing Challenge.
I'm a little "finished" out right now anyway. I completed the finishing of my Halloween Exchange piece Friday. It was a new finish for me, and I learned a few things, mostly what not to do. I like the way it turned out, but of course I keep seeing the flaws, things I should have done differently. Someone smack me a bit.
I started working on my Pumpkin Patch Exchange stitching last night. I had to find my own colors for it, and I'm not sure I like the ones I picked now that I see it taking shape. Color is always difficult for me. I think in black and white--literally. I can't really fault my brain for working like that. I've been blessed with a pretty good one otherwise. :-)
Oh, here's a pic of the ort bags Mom and I make, as requested. If you're interested in buying one, please
email me.
Hurricane Ike: We got not a drop of rain, even though everyone was preparing for the worst. Matt was disappointed because he was looking forward to a good storm. We just don't get that many where we are in Texas. He was also looking forward to monitoring it with his weather station.
My sick husband: Matt's starting to feel better. It's about time! His nose is still bleeding regularly. I normally think of nosebleeds as no big deal because I had them a lot as a kid (hereditary thing), but when you think they might not stop, they can be scary.