Saturday, August 16, 2008

Halloween Fob HD

I received my missing beads and finished Halloween Fob by the Sweetheart Tree. This is one I've been wanting to do for a while. I received the chart from my wishlist in an SBEBB Harvest exchange with Carol. Thanks so much!

So now I'm going to whine a bit (OK, a lot). I've been sick for an entire week now, and I'm just starting to get out of bed and do things today. Last Sunday I took a nap and woke up with bad nausea, a headache, and chills. Stomachaches are common with me (hiatal hernia anyone?), but chills are not. Matt knew I was sick because I never wear socks in the house, and certainly not in August! Tuesday night I started feeling better, but then Wednesday morning the sore throat and sinus stuff hit. The doctor said sinus infection, but he said a lot of people have been coming in with the same symptoms (some kind of bug?). My mom also got sick with a sinus infection but not the nausea. I've been taking my antibiotics, which help a lot, and the antihistamine, which knocks me out. So I've had a completely wasted week (I didn't even stitch!) that will take up most of my leave time from work. Matt's had to take care of all of us, so he's completely worn down. The good thing is that neither he nor Logan have gotten sick. I'm hoping it stays that way.


Anonymous said...

That is a completely wonderful fob. I love everything about it, including the tassel.

Sorry to hear that you have been sick, but am glad that the antibiotics have helped.

Becky K in OK said...

I love this little fob. Great finish.

Sorry to hear you're feeling puny. Hope you up and about soon.

Erica said...

I love this little fob! It is so delicate!

Dawn T. said...

I love the fob!! Great job:)