I think I'll work on Angel Procession again. I was very encouraged by my progress in the last go-round.
Animals: We've been having a rough time of it. Anubis threw up seven times yesterday. The switch to a wet food helped for a good while, but apparently it's not going to do it. He has a vet appointment tomorrow, and it looks like shots or pills. Next: Matt was scooping the litterbox the other night, and apparently Hathor really had to go. She peed on the rug under the litterbox top while he was scooping. Next: Lufy--yes, the dog--had furballs and barfed in our bedroom. I have tons of stains to use the Spotbot on now. Ugh. And poor Matt had to clean up all that mess.
RAK: I got a RAK by RAK yesterday. Unfortunately, she sent fudge, which just melted away in the Texas heat. I couldn't refrigerate it back to life because all the oils had drained out of it. It was such a sweet thought, though, and I really need it right about now!