Stitching, gaming, fantasy, science fiction...all the good stuff.
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Here's my biscornu for the Monthly Finishing Challenge. It's Spring Peepers by Just Nan. I broke down and ordered the gold frog charm because I just couldn't find any button that looked good in the middle. I am selling a few charts to make a little money, so it should even out.
I used a pale blue linen, 28 count I believe. I also used some leftover beads from a kit; they were just the right color! It's the second biscornu I've made but the first with a beaded edging. I also replaced the gold metallic for the frogs with DMC 500; they just didn't show up well in gold.
I'm still working on my Fantasy/Magic Exchange piece. Why did I pick something with so much stitching? I just hope it looks good when I'm done!
I received a framed piece from Jill Rensel last night, my first from her. I was not disappointed! I'll take pics when I get a chance. I was too beat last night.
Diet: I started the diet again seriously this week. I joined TOPS too. My mom's been a member for years and does the conventions. I had to roll my eyes at the weight-loss songs and pledges, but otherwise I think it will be good for me. I started the South Beach diet again, and I'm doing well. I made my 15 pounds total loss yesterday (which I started waaaay back), but now I can't reward myself because I'm not buying stash. Doh! Maybe when I hit 20 pounds lost.
The job front: Matt has a day-long interview today. Yuck. But we're optimistic. He also has another job prospect that we're waiting to hear about.