Well, that didn't last long! Logan started running a fever, so I took him to the doctor yesterday. He's got a sore throat and is now on antibiotics...again. Poor thing isn't sleeping well and is hardly eating anything today. We'll see if the rest of the family gets this.
The trial of glucophage didn't succeed. It made me nauseated, gave me a headache, and generally made me feel sick. I was reading about it online, and it said the side effects should pass, but I just couldn't function. I tossed them.
The next thing to try is Byetta, which is in shot form. I'm going to see if I can work up the courage for it. I've been really down about the weight issue. Not that it's stopped me from eating. Jo asked about pre-diabetes. It means I don't have diabetes but I probably will get it someday, and I could be feeling some related effects. I have a long family history of diabetes on my dad's side of the family, I had gestational diabetes, and I'm very overweight. :-/
Back to cross stitching, as usual. :-) Craft-i-leigh asked about Winter Faerie. It's by Teresa Wentzler, my favorite designer. She's not designing much right now, but that's OK because I have a lot of her pieces left to stitch. She also asked about my favorite fabrics. I like stitching on evenweave (mainly Jobelan), but I like the look of linen better. As for size, 28 or 32 is just fine with me. I can do smaller counts if there's a need. As for makers, I like Zwiegart linen a lot; Wichelt not so much.
Have you noticed that the cross stitch section in craft stores keeps getting smaller and smaller? It's very disheartening. It seemed like the industry was booming when I started stitching seriously in 2001. (My first piece was a Teresa Wentzler too.)