Saturday, January 08, 2011

Maggie the Messmaker update

According to my records, I didn't work on this piece at all in 2010, even though it was one of my goals. Time just got away from me, I guess. I put this one back to work after my last exchange piece was done and after I ran out of floss for Victoria Sampler's gingerbread house (I now have the floss, but I think I'll keep working on Maggie for now). I've made pretty good progress on it, and I may actually finish the cross stitching this month. I'm dreading the backstitching because it's a Dimensions Gold kit and has very complicated instructions. And they say Teresa Wentzler pieces are tough! I'd prefer that any day.

Diet: My weight loss stopped completely after our vacation last summer. I went back on the carbs, and they were my downfall, even with Lap-Band surgery. And for those who don't know, you still have to diet with the Lap-Band. It's supposed to take care of the hunger, but it's not working for me right now. I need to go in this month and get the band tightened.

The potty-training saga: We were so frustrated with Logan's lack of interest in potty training. We tried M&Ms as a reward. Nope. Then we tried giving him a car when he pooped in the potty. Bingo! It took him about two weeks to figure it out. Now he's wearing underwear and going to the potty by himself. Heaven! He still has occasional accidents and has to wear pull-ups at night, but we're so happy that light switch finally turned on. Now we're trying to ween him from getting cars every day....


riona said...

I can't believe you didn't stitch on Maggie in 2010 ... it seems far more recently than 2009 that I enjoyed your last progress photos on the piece. I guess as I get older time just seems to whiz by.

As to the toilet training: I can empathize. When my oldest son was training [not], the family joke was that he'd be old enough to write the ad copy for his favorite diapers before he finallt trained. He had to be a little over three years and a half years old because as soon as he figured it out, he turned around and trained his younger brother who was only a year old. At least, I have absolutely no memory of training my youngest who was toilet trained at a little over 14 months of age ... I usually started the process when my children were two.

Unknown said...

I too have a child that will do anything for a car (even though he is no longer close to the potty training stage). ;)

To get away from that bribery feeling, we instituted an appreciation jar. In the jare are slips of paper some for "prizes" like a car, but most with a special activity with mom or dad (game time, trip to the park, etc.), special privilege (you choose dinner/dessert) and some say hug & kiss or tickles. You can adjust the ratio of car slips to activity slips to find what works best. You can also use the same system anytime he is "caught being good" (picking up his toys, being patient, etc.) because most of the slips are activities. It even works as they get older, just change up the activity slips to fit his age.

Congratulations on one of the best milestones of parenthood!

Meadows08 said...

I can't believe Maggie needs backstitching! It looks so great already.

Alice said...

Hurrah for potty training! I used cars with my second son and we still have an enormous bin filled with them. It does take boys particularly a lot longer to clue in to potty training and staying dry through the night.

Cathy said...

Maggie is looking great. You look very close to a finish!

Missy Ann said...

Am I correct in thinking the accidents are just wet? If he's gotten the stage of poo accidents being very rare, I'd show him a 5 pack of cars and tell him it's his if he goes 7 days without a poo accident.