Stitching, gaming, fantasy, science fiction...all the good stuff.
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Sunday, December 27, 2009
Lady of Shalott progress pic

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Stitching goals for the new year
Since I'm not sure if I'll feel up to writing after my sinus surgery Monday, I'll take care of my review of goals now. I didn't seem to do too well on my stitching goals this year, but I did get a lot of stitching done on Teresa Wentzler pieces, which I'm excited about. I also read a lot more this year. I have one series of Mercedes Lackey books left to read, and I can say I've read all her books. Then it's on to other favorite authors I've been meaning to read! And then there are all the illnesses. I was sick a full half the year--every month I got a sinus infection, and they usually last two weeks. That wears you down, but the surgery should take care of that.
Here's how I did, stitching-wise, in 2009 and what I hope to accomplish in 2010.
Pieces I finished in 2009:
Current WIPs:
Here's how I did, stitching-wise, in 2009 and what I hope to accomplish in 2010.
Pieces I finished in 2009:
- Autumn Faerie
- Winter Faerie
- Spring Faerie
- Medieval Miniature
- Sun Dragon
- Futurecast (six TWs for those who are counting!)
- Royal Blossoms
- Stitchie Witchie
- Heart Throb
- Violet Bouquet NR
- Tulip Time NR
- Victorial Floral NR
- Sweetheart NR
- Strawberry Patch NR
- Wildflowers NR (finished all the needlerolls in the series!)
- Teeny Tiny 'Love' Bag
- My First Gray Hare
- She Sells Seashells
- Happy Jack
- Finishing of Goblins
- Zelda's Fancy Hat
Current WIPs:
- Lady of Shalott
- Legends of the Spellcasters
- Spirit of the Snow Angel
- Rose Quilt
- Maggie the Messmaker
- Magnificent Wizard
- Eternal Promise
Review of stitching goals for 2009:
- Autumn Faerie--done
- Chatelaine's Rose and Butterfly Quilt--nope
- Maggie the Messmaker--no, but I did make a lot of progress on it
- Magnificent Wizard (work some on it)--nope
- Work on more Teresa Wentzler pieces--yes, a lot
- Start an embroidered knot garden--nope
- Try doll making/polymer clay--nope
- Make more cakes--a little
Stitching/craft goals for 2010:
- Maggie the Messmaker
- Magnificent Wizard (make some progress)
- Legend of the Spellcasters
- Lady of Shalott
- Summer Faerie
- Finishing of two Just Nans pieces
Merry Christmas!

My mom gave me the little fob shown above. I don't usually like fobs on my scissors (though I like to admire them), but this one is cute and doesn't get in the way. Now helping me "never lose my scissors again" as the card promises? Ha!
We had a very good day today, me, Matt, Mom, and Logan. Logan is old enough to understand presents, so he went nuts opening them. He loved the train set my mom gave him and all the Duplo blocks and cars we bought him. (The dinosaurs weren't a hit, at least not yet). He didn't know what to play with first. He haven't given him is trike yet because it's been too cold to go outside with it. This being Texas, we just have to wait a few days for warmer weather.
For Christmas, I received one of my cross stitch pieces framed (my idea) and a car stereo (Matt's idea). My stereo has been out for years, and it's driven me nuts the entire time, especially when I have to take the long drives in to work. I just need to get it installed now! My husband is tricky and clever.
Matt received assorted CDs and DVDs he requested, plus the Maglite he wanted. I bought him two T-shirts he says he likes. It's hard to judge how much he liked them, though. My mom bought him an RC helicopter that seemed to go over well, though it's steering isn't great.
My mom wants something for her sewing machine, so I'm pitching it for that. The one thing I bought that was a surprise didn't work--a key finder. You clap and it's supposed to go off. Not so well actually.
Right now I'm taking steroids and antibiotics in preparation for my sinus surgery Monday. That, of course, is keeping me awake all hours. I catch up on my sleep during the day, which is wreaking havoc with my schedule. But at least the meds are making me feel better when I'm not dead tired.
So an enjoyable Christmas with family and simple fun. I also got to stitch in the living room with my floor stand. Logan played with a few knobs, but when he didn't get anywhere with them, he left it alone. So nice to be able to stitch with my stand again! I've been working on Legends of the Spellcasters. I figured that since I had a break from work until January 4 and was having surgery next week, I deserved a new start. I'm also participating in the stitch-along on the TW bulletin board--just getting a head start.
And lastly, I had one of my best friends from school write me on Facebook. She was my best friend from kindergarten through junior high. We had a falling out and then never talked again. It always made me so sad and resentful thinking about it. I thought I would reject her friend request if she ever sent me one. But when she did, she apologized, and that released the flood in me. I never thought it would be such a relief to hear that. She and I will never be best friends again, but that's just a little more resentment I don't have to hold onto. Yes, I'm stubborn, and it's hard for me to give up on old wounds.
I hope you all had a good day too!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Lady of Shalott progress pic

Here's my progress on Lady of Shalott by Teresa Wentzler. Lots of wrinkles, huh? That's what happens when I use a small set of Qsnaps. I've started on the image in the mirror. We'll see how it comes out on this light-colored fabric.
I also received my fabric for Legends of the Spellcasters, my little splurge for the new year. I can't wait to do the floss toss and see what the colors look like.
If you're on Facebook, there's a group called Teresa Wentzler Cross Stitch SAL if you're interested. If I knew how to link to it I would. :-/
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Finishing of Goblins

I finished the stitching of Goblins by Patricia Andrle in 2003 and always planned to get it framed. But now that I'm rethinking what pieces to get framed (because of the cost and lack of wall space), I decided to finish some of my smaller pieces as wall hangings and such. This piece I did all myself, with only a little consultation with my mother, the expert seamstress. To some this may be easy sewing, but to me it's quite an accomplishment since I've never been much for sewing. It's growing on me. I've even thought about making a quilt. Maybe someday.
Matt hung this for me in our office. He got to decide on the paint job in this one room. It's light grey with a darker grey stripe around the room. It looks pretty decent, in case you were wondering.
I've been working on Lady of Shalott and plan to take a progress picture maybe tomorrow.
Sinus surgery: I go in for sinus surgery next Monday. I haven't gotten too scared yet. What worries me right now is not eating until after the surgery. I tend to get nauseous and have stomach pains when I don't eat. But then I'm sure I'll have worse pains after the surgery to think about.
Right now we're dealing with getting ready for Christmas while we're all sick. We have the crackling lungs, and Logan at least has had to take breathing treatments. His breathing is sounding a lot better now, though. Getting the boy to sit still with a mask over his face has been challenging. Bribes of candy work wonders, but it's probably not the best thing for him.
Incidentally, I had an allergy test and am officially not allergic to anything. I had very mild reactions to cats and timothy (not that I've ever noticed), but they weren't bad enough to qualify me as allergic. That's pretty surprising because I thought I'd be allergic to something. Awesome.
End of the semester: Matt finished another semester, and that leaves only three to go (plus a summer session). He passed all his classes, which is a relief since some classes were in question. We're getting closer to that goal of his getting an electrical engineering degree and a good job! I can't wait!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Lady of Shalott progress pic

I finally finished the border. I think there may be some errors in the chart on the leaves since they were inconsistent. Not that anyone would notice. As you can see, I've started working on the drapes at the top. I still need to pull the rest of the floss for the piece.
I've also been working on the finishing of a wall hanging and managed to get it done this evening. I did the binding myself and everything! I am so proud since I'm not much of a seamstress. I need a dowel rod and some hooks and then will be able to hang it (somewhere...the walls are getting full). Pics soon!
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