Yes, I finished it! I didn't get to post an update Monday because I've had a bad stomach flu for the past four days, and I didn't feel like doing much of anything, not even stitching. I'm finally feeling better today. I am so grateful I have a husband that takes care of me when I'm sick--plus the kid and the housework. I don't like to be messed with when I'm sick, but I do like having someone to fetch me food and Gatorade. Fortunately Matt knows exactly what I need.
I've been so close to being finished with this piece. I put the last beads on today. That beading sure took a while, but they're very pretty, though you can't see it in the photo. I decided to leave the leaf, so to speak. I hope it doesn't bug me too much that it's one stitch off.
I need to work on my Valentine exchange piece next. It's rather crept up on me. After that, more Skeleton Crew and Winter Faerie.
Books: During my sick time, I did manage to finish Mercedes Lackey's Arrows of the Queen series. I last read this when I was a senior in high school and I loved it so much. Since I'm reading the books in chronological order, not the order the books were written in, I'm reading some of her later works mixed in with earlier works. I can definitely tell that she's improved. Her later books have more depth of character, which is what I like so much about her books. I tend to be more character oriented than action oriented, though I have no interest in anything but fantastical worlds. I am really enjoying the Valdemar series. I think I only have three Valdemar trilogies left, sadly.